Essential tips for winter landscape photography

by James Abbott  at
December 20, 2017

When the weather turns cold, moodiness and atmosphere increase tenfold. James Abbott shows you how to take stunning winter landscapes with minimal kit

Winter landscape photography can produce some great results, like this view over Buttermere and Crummock water from Warnscale Bothy. Nikon D610, 16-35mm, 1.3 seconds at f/11, ISO 100. Credit: James Abbott

When the days shorten and the air turns crisp, photographers come in for a treat. Every season has its merits, and while winter can be cold and dark, this in itself is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.

Sunrise at 8am and sunsets at 4pm may mean you have a shorter day, but it also means you don’t have to be up in the early hours or out late at night to capture the golden hour.




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